When to Bring Your Child to Therapy

It can feel overwhelming to know when to bring your child to therapy. How do we know when our child will simply out-grow a behaviour, and when do we consider it something that may be better addressed with the support of a professional?

At INDIGROW, we work to adapt our therapeutic style to meet the developmental needs of your child. All of our clinicians who work with children, youth and families have experience in play and art therapy techniques and work from a trauma-informed approach.

You might want to consider looking for therapeutic support for your child if:

  • Your child is struggling to adapt to a significant life event (parents’ divorce, moving homes, changing schools, having a new sibling, etc)

  • Your child appears to be more anxious, worried, withdrawn or sad for an extended period of time. These mood changes can be a normal part of adapting to change, but when they persist over time or your parenting instincts tell you something feels off, it might be a good time to seek some support

  • Your child starts showing some disruptive and concerning behaviours that persist even when you, your partner and their school team have a consistent and stable approach to addressing the behaviour

  • Your child is engaging in self-harm

  • Your child asks for the support of a counsellor or therapist

If you are unsure whether your child might need the support of a mental health professional, INDIGROW offers 15 minute consultations free of charge. We are happy to work with you to help assess your child’s need for therapy.

In addition, INDIGROW provides parenting support sessions to help our young clients and their parent(s) get on the same page. This means that we work with the child and each parent to ensure consistency in how the emotional and mental health needs of your child are being supported.


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